Sunday, December 7, 2008

Picture taking time!

One of Mike's responsibilities is to pick out Zeke's Christmas outfits, and he usually does a good job. This year, I was really impressed and loved all that he chose!
We decided to get Zeke in one of his Christmas outfits and try to take some pictures one afternoon. We just went to a little grassy area by our house that has lots of leaves to try to give the fall affect even though it has still been in the 70s in San Diego lately.
Isn't his sport coat the cutest?

He loves throwing leaves too:

And climbing over a fence to get pine cones:

The Day After Thanksgiving!

The day after Thanksgiving is usually a big shopping day for Sheila, Mom and I. We actually braved it last year with Zeke in stroller and he was a good sport. I wasn't holding out this year, but Sheila and Mom-Mom insisted that he come with us. We only went to the Forum which is just a little mall by our house and Pop-pop was on call to come pick Zeke up if needed. Well, he lasted about 15 minutes in the stroller - thank goodness there was a coy pond with lots of fishies outside of Chico's where Mom-Mom and Cioci Sheila took forever in! Then Cioci decided to take over and when we went into Talbots, Zeke bee-lined for the window with all the Christmas ornaments in it. Finally when the sales girls were giving us looks I gave Sheila a look and took out the phone to call Pop-Pop. Sheila finally took Zeke to Gepetto's while I bought Mom-Mom a Christmas present. Zeke was totally content at the toy store and didn't even want to leave with Pop-Pop. However, we finally bribed him with something and got him in the car seat. The boys went home and had some lunch and took naps while us girls went and had a very relaxing lunch. Thanks so much Pop-Pop!
The Forum was having a special Christmas event starting in the evening so we all ventured back to take a ride in a horse drawn carriage. Zeke loves horses and was so excited, but the waiting in line wasn't so fun. Overall, he was a pretty good sport this time!
Here is one of us waiting in line:

And here we are on the carriage:


Mike had to work on Thanksgiving and usually he is the photographer of the family! I really failed in this category and finally remembered to take some pictures at the end of the evening. Here is one of the only good ones, but it is a precious one of Zeke and Cioci Julie: